Category: Ph.D. Research

Setting up for editing


Huge relief!

I had accidentally set my camera to 1080i instead of 1080p and all the footage is interlaced. I spent several apprehensive and frustrating hours over a few days researching and experimenting with ways to de-interlace my footage in Premier and Media encoder. Media Encoder gave better results. There is some loss of quality but not huge.

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Filming at Riddel’s Warehouse

Sonya and I arrived in plenty of time with the equipment to set up and do a health and safety check. I brought my Sony semi-pro camera, my Canon 60D DSLR, shoulder rig, blue tooth speaker and extensions, and Sonya’s photographic lighting kit. I also took a fan heater, blankets, seating pad, bottles of water, hot chocolate and cake to keep the dancers warm.

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My reflections before the rehearsal

Monday 26 September 2022, 7:30 am. This morning is the rehears with Helen and Maeve. I spent three hours yesterday playing with the camera, especially with my Sony video camera. I feel less apprehensive about using it now, it’s been so long since I used it. I just hope I can feel at ease filming, I can produce images that I’ll be happy with. This is only the rehearsal, to get a feel for the camera, the filming, and for the dancers to find ways to interact, choreograph.

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